Here are a few things you need to know for the AAAS Convention.
We have a number of awards that we will be announcing at our ConventionĀ Please stay tuned as nominations for the AAAS Honor Roll, submissions for the Provincial Marketing Awards, scholarship applications, and more will be opening soon.

Are You Between 18- 40 Years Old ?
AFSC is pleased to offer a special discount program for AAAS Ag Societies delegates that meet the age eligibility requirements of AFSC’s Next Generation Loan (under the age of 40 at the time of application). The membership will be offered at a reduced rate of $100 per registration. (Rebates to the Ag Society will come after the Conference).
Upon registration application, those that identify as a “Next Gen Ag Leader” (click the age 18-30 or 31-40 box on the registration page will receive the AFSC Special Discount (to a maximum of 2 per Ag Society).

Unlock Exclusive Benefits: Agricultural Society members registering for our Convention can leverage their Grant Funding for leadership training. By including registration fees, accommodation expenses, and travel costs (reimbursed Ā Mileage Rate)Ā in your grant submission to the Government, you can reclaim a percentage of these expenses. Don't miss out on this opportunity to maximize your investment in professional development!

The Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies have 7 Scholarship awards that will be given to outstanding postāsecondary students continuing their education, who have volunteered their time and energy to their communities and agricultural societies.
Open May 1st, 2024 and will close on October 31st, 2024.

The Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies invites agricultural societies to nominate a member of their association for their outstanding contribution to the development and advancement of agricultural societies in Alberta. Two members will be awarded the Honorary Life Memberships. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding volunteers for their dedication to local, regional and provincial levels of agriculture.
Open May 1st, 2024 and will close on October 31st, 2024.

The Marketing Awards Contest has (6) Categories. It is held annually during the AAAS Convention. Attendance during the convention is not a requirement to enter the contest; however winners will be announced and presented with their awards during the Saturday Night themed gala at the Convention.
Deadline for Submissions October 31st, 2024

Saturday Night Awards Gala is a themed costume night for our delegates to have some fun making it an energetic evening full of laughter and some creative costumes. Many of our delegates participate by wearing creative outfits and we always look forward to seeing everyone’s interpretation of that year’s theme!